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Clio Training: A Guide from 2b1 Inc. for Legal Professionals

Clio Grow is the marketing program that sits in front of Clio Manage and lets you enter new leads and follow up with either predefined workflows or by adding task manually one by one. Clio Grow is a bit different than conventional calendar programs so as part of Clio training 2b1 Inc. provides, here is a step by step list in how to create a new appointment in Clio Grow as requested by many clients.

To create a new appointment in Clio Grow:

  1. First we need to add a new matter in Clio Grow. Once the Matter is added open the matter by double clicking on it
How to make an appointment in Clio Grow - Step 1
  • Now click on the “Add single item” box  and A pull down menu will appear.
How to make an appointment in Clio Grow - Step 2
  • Now select “Schedule appointment
    Make sure the Contact box shows the right contact and check if the firm user that will go to the appointment is the correct one, or change it by clicking on the arrow pointing down on the right of the Firm users’ box.
  • Enter a meaningful appointment title e.g. “Meeting with Demetrius regarding getting more information about the matter” Enter a description e.g “We need to get more information to see if this is a matter that we want to represent”.
  • How to make an appointment in Clio Grow - Step 3
  • Add an appointment location e.g Office conference room or video call.
  • Select the duration, 1 hour, of the appointment and the date and time.
  • You can schedule a reminder by clicking “+ Add a reminder“. Now you can even add Text messages as reminders.
  • Click on “Schedule” when you are done.
  • At this point a windows “Appointment Confirmation Email” will show with the details of the appointment in the email going to your prospect. Review that all is correct and click on the “Send Email” button.
  • How to make an appointment in Clio Grow - Step 4


    You’re all done! Now, if you want to see your scheduled appointment, click on the “Agenda” in the left navigator > Then click on the “Upcoming” tab. Here you will see the appointment we just created.

    Clio Training -Clio Grow - make an appointment in - Step 5

    If you want more information on Clio Grow or Manage contact 2b1 Inc for Clio Training and customization.