Clio Legal Practice Management Software - 2b1inc

Say hello to Clio.

Legal software for clients, cases, billing, and more.

Make the most of every day with Clio, a practice management solution that makes the administrative side of practicing law a lot easier and less time consuming


Clio App Integrations

Clio Integration - 2b1 inc

Imagine all your programs connected and working together in one place? Clio makes that possible. Over 200 apps already integrate with Clio. Bring everything together by connecting your email, telephony, accounting, advanced document management, and more with Clio!


Customize Fields & More!

Clio Custom Fields

In Clio you can create custom fields for all kinds of specific information related to your firm, contacts, and matters. Easily Track, edit, group and access your custom fields in one place. Clio’s strong and flexible system makes gathering the information that is important to you unbelievably simple.


Create Workflows

Workflows are list of tasks that need to be completed to reach the conclusion of a matter. In Clio, Workflows can be automated to ensure that all steps are consistently done for all matters.


Safe & Secure

From complex password with multi factor authentication, to encryption in transit and at rest. Clio has the security needed for peace of mind. Your data is backed up regularly and the site is certified daily against malware attacks. These are some of the many securities in place at Clio.

See Clio in Action

Clio Team Training

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